Q: How do you find a fulfilling career?
A: Go back to your childhood.

Danielle Roessle’s The Inner Compass Process takes you back to your childhood memories to help you REDISCOVER the one or two natural gifts that you should be paid for in your work.
You will come away with a CLEAR CAREER DIRECTION that's based on your innate talents, values, skills, and core motivations.
Rave Reviews

Before reading the book, I had a hard time recognizing and articulating what needs weren't being met by my career. After completing the exercises, I was able to CLARIFY MY CAREER DESIRES and TAKE TANGIBLE STEPS in acquiring them.
—Cameron Scheidler

If you do all of the steps of the Inner Compass Process, you will learn where you get stuck and WHERE YOU THRIVE in all areas of your life, not just your career.
—Daniela Uslan
When you read the Inner Compass Process book, you will learn how to...

Do you find yourself in an endless cycle of work, TV, sleep, and back to work? By reconnecting to your childhood play, you will learn how to bring more JOY into your work and your life. Get ready to feel revitalized - even before changing careers.

Get PAID WELL for What You Do BEST (and Love to Do)
You will DISCOVER YOUR DRIVING TALENTS, or your innate abilities that you should be paid for in your job. You've been doing them for your entire life, but you may have completely overlooked them because they come so naturally to you.

When you understand your core values, your needs, and what you love to do, you will become CRYSTAL CLEAR about the CAREER CHANGE you need to pursue.
(Spoiler Alert: It's not necessarily a huge career change!)
Rave Reviews

I loved the “STEP BY STEP” approach to examining one’s potential for career change.
—Wendy Frankel

I was able to use the book’s insights to CLARIFY WHAT I NEED MOVING FORWARD in a career and the qualities I’m seeking in a career. Additionally, it helped me IDENTIFY FACTORS THAT HAVE HELD ME BACK from true satisfaction in my current work.
—Rebecca Sklepovich

Read The Inner Compass Process and START your journey to a fulfilling career TODAY!
Connect the dots to your fulfilling career.
The Inner Compass Process</em> will guide you to CONNECT THE DOTS between your past, present, and future—to tell the important stories that provide insight into who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow.
You will come away with a well-calibrated inner compass that directs you to career changes that serve your deepest needs, make use of your innate abilities, and keep you feeling your best.

Meet the Author
Danielle Roessle, LCSW
In 2011, when working as a career counselor for high school students, Danielle realized that she didn't feel fulfilled in her career.
She began the journey of looking for her life's purpose and career calling.
Not only did she discover her life's purpose - but she did find that the ANSWERS to a fulfilling career had been inside of her all along, HIDING in her childhood memories.
Since then, Danielle has taken hundreds on their own PATH TO FULFILLMENT using the Inner Compass Process.
TODAY is your day to begin your journey a MEANINGFUL CAREER CHANGE!
More Rave Reviews

I would RECOMMEND THIS BOOK FOR ALL AGES whenever you would like to make a career change. Be prepared to go deep and explore the things that you never analyzed to see how it influences your behavior and motivation.
—Debbie Menditch

It’s easy to follow the process and the steps outlined in the book, especially with all of the helpful examples. Those who do so will be REWARDED for sure with GREATER CLARITY on their future direction. as well as detailed strategies for concrete steps to take action and make that next level a reality.
—Naomi Jane Bethel

Want to run a career change accountability group?
Gather a group of friends, colleagues, or former coworkers to explore making a career change together.
You can bulk order the Inner Compass Process directly from the author at a DISCOUNTED price by emailing info@innercompasscoach.com.
Even More Rave Review

This book is great. It really helps you learn WHAT MAKES YOU TICK so that you can go after a career that will fulfill your working style. Practical advice and suggestions on tools and resources.

Take the exercises and reflection work seriously and you will gain more insight with this tool. Highly recommended for introspective job seekers.
—William Hager Curry