✧ The Inner Compass Course: 

An Online Career Coaching Solution

A self-paced online course that reignites your fire within by using childhood memories — and helps you identify more fulfilling and financially rewarding career pathways.

Does this sound like you?

âś“ You're a professional who has hit a career roadblock and frequently thinks, "Is this all there is?"

✓ You've noticed that books, therapy, and online assessments aren't providing the direction you need, and you're frustrated with the lack of progress.

âś“ You're willing to delve into your childhood to rediscover the patterns that enable you to thrive, breaking through barriers that have been holding you back, all in pursuit of making fulfilling career changes.

✓ You're eager to share your innate gifts with the world and make a meaningful contribution, yet your previous career identity has become a hindrance. It's time to shed the old and embrace a new path that aligns with your aspirations.

Register ➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime

A new reality awaits! Picture yourself going to work each day with a sense of reward, knowing your efforts are making a meaningful impact, and experiencing the satisfaction of being appropriately compensated for your contributions.

My Self-Paced Online Career Course Helps You To:

Thrive in Your Zone of Genius/ Driving Talents

You may believe that your innate gifts from childhood may not have a place in the job market. They absolutely do — let's tap your driving talents and help you get paid for them.

Make a Meaningful Contribution

You may believe the only way to make a meaningful impact is to work at a nonprofit. We'll define what doing good means to you, so you can make a meaningful impact, personally or professionally.

Live Your Core Values

You may be disillusioned by one of your previous employment experiences. Not only can your core values align with a future employer, they are your guide toward finding the right employer.

Maximize the Best Use of Your Time and Skills

You may be burned out because you're overusing one of your skillsets and underusing others. You want to maximize the skills that ignite you and minimize those that burn you out.

Get started for FREE with the first lesson Play Your Way to (Career) Clarity


Sign up to PREVIEW the first lesson of The Inner Compass Process online course and:

  • Rediscover your interests that aren't being met through your work
  • Clarify your natural motivating gifts and embrace the part of your personality that supports them in your work
  • Identify changes you want to make to experience more personal and professional fulfillment

✧ My Signature Online System - The Inner Compass Process

Part 1: Rediscover What Drives You

Identify what makes you feel alive, what holds you back, and what gives you a sense of fulfillment based on your childhood stories.

Part 2: Research

Determine changes you want to make — a new job, career, employer, industry, or starting a business. Learn various strategies to build your network, tap the hidden job market, and ensure your career change is aligned with your needs.

Part 3: Career Roadmap

Create a roadmap of next steps. Career roadmaps will include realistic goals, job search strategies to accomplish your goals, and tactics to overcome obstacles that might get in your way.

 ✧ What makes this online course different?


Assessments don't get to the heart of why you do what you do. This career coaching program uses you childhood as the doorway to understand what makes you feel alive and truly MOTIVATES you in your career.


This course will not promise you your dream job because it might not be realistic in the job market. This course will help you identify career opportunities that better meet your needs and circumstances.


You'll get crystal clear on whether you want to change your job, career, employer, industry, or start a business. You'll learn strategies to build your network, tap the hidden job market, and design a roadmap of your next steps.

➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime

Our Online Career Coaching Results:

Discover What You're Suppressing

Danielle's process helped draw insights from deep inside me that I inherently knew to be true, but had for whatever reason suppressed. She asks probing questions that were all designed to help me take an honest look at myself over the course of my life, in the interest of determining the best path forward. I appreciated her thorough process, as I gained incredible insight into the disconnect from what I really like to do versus what I was currently doing. The Inner Compass Process is immeasurably rewarding if you are willing to completely dive in. 

—Michael S.
Senior Project Manager

Rediscover The Parts of You That Have Been Left Behind

Anyone who enrolls in this course will rediscover parts of themselves they left behind and then apply them in a meticulous analysis of personal strengths, abilities, opportunities for growth, and potential careers that align with them. In the end I felt renewed confidence and a sense of resolve I haven't felt in some time. To anyone seeking to find a new career, to anyone tickled by curiosity of what else they could be doing, register.

—Chris Kark
Product Designer

Have a Clearer Sense of Your Next Steps

I have been going through the course in its self-paced version. I realize I have a much greater need for connection and belonging than I did when I started my career as a librarian. Initially, I became a librarian because of the perceived needs it met for me for independence and financial stability; now, I want much more to feel connected with the people I work with rather than independent. While financial stability still matters to me, I have a much clearer sense of what that might look like thanks to this course. To that end, I have been applying to some roles at literacy nonprofits - that I think would be much more suitable for me. Thank you for providing this course! Looking forward to further refining my criteria as I continue.

—Lisa B.
Former Librarian

➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime

The Nuts and Bolts of this Self-Paced Online Career Course

Instant Access to Our Online Coaching Library

âžś 12 1-hour lessons, divided into bite-sized chunks that can be completed at your own pace

âžś 1 e-copy of the Inner Compass Process book

âžś Fillable worksheets to process your blinding flashes of the obvious, aha moments, and takeaways

âžś Common Career Pivots Guide with clickable links

âžś Access the course anywhere by downloading the Kajabi App on your phone

➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime!

More Online Course Success Stories:

Figure out how your skills will translate

The Inner Compass Process helped me narrow down not only why I wasn't feeling content in my current career, but also what I wanted out of my next career. It helped me figure out how my current skills would translate to my next endeavors, allowing me to use current passions to help me succeed in the next chapter of my professional career.

—Ohm U.
Senior Software Engineer

Remember what you loved to do that gave you joy

The Inner Compass Process led me through a series of exercises that allowed me to remember what I really loved to do and what brought me the most joy. It helped guide me through the thought process of not only presenting myself as the best fit for the role I was interviewing for but also what company culture and values mattered most to me. Something I feel strongly is such a vital aspect of one's career happiness that normally goes overlooked and unconsidered.

—Laura Muncy
Senior Enterprise Account Manager

➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime!

Meet Your Career Coach

Danielle Roessle, Founder, Executive Career and Leadership Coach

Danielle's Story

Back in 2011, when working as a career counselor for high school students, I realized that I didn't feel fulfilled in my career.

I began the journey of looking for my life's purpose and dream job through participating in workshops and psychology trainings.

During one of these workshops, I confronted my experience of being bullied as a child and I found that the answers to a fulfilling career had been inside of me all along, hiding in my childhood memories. Through exploring my childhood memories, I could transform my pain into purpose.

Because of being bullied, I desire deep connection and belonging. This longing has shaped my career path, where I thrive in fostering profound connections for individuals to discover themselves and find their place in the workforce. Additionally, my high creativity enables me to curate unique experiences that kindle their inner fire, offering clarity in career or business directions.

I left my nonprofit job to start my business in 2014, and have helped hundreds of clients find career or business fulfillment by exploring their childhood memories.

Childhood memories are the doorway to understanding your inner compass — what comes naturally to you in your career, what motivates you deeply, and the impact you want to make through your career or business.

My hope for you (and my experience is) is that by exploring childhood memories you connect the dots from your past to drive your career direction forward.

➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime

By the end of this online career course, you will...

  • Recognize what is and isn’t working in your current position 
  • Understand what makes you feel alive and be able to bring that into your work
  • Know what’s holding you back and how to move forward
  • Identify the one or two innate talents that you should be paid for in your career
  • Understand the CONTRIBUTION you want to make through your career
  • Build a JOB FRAMEWORK to be able to quickly gage whether or not a position is a good fit
  • Know which SKILLS you’ve mastered that will get you hired
  • Pinpoint whether you want to change your job, employer, career, industry, your mindset at work, or start a business
  • Become a detective, researcher, and master networker, and find strategies to test the waters so that you feel CONFIDENT in your new career direction
  • Create an ACTIONABLE PLAN for achieving your career goals 
  • Have a clear direction toward a more fulfilling career
➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime

More Online Client Results:

Let Your Next Steps Energize You

I really enjoyed The Inner Compass Process to bring clarity to my strengths and passions before making the next move in my career. I feel incredibly confident moving into my next role and I am excited for the next steps I outlined that energize me and play to my talents. I was feeling stuck and am now open to a whole new future for my career!

—Keely Nolan
Partnership Success Manager

Get Excited to Move Forward

I LOVED The Inner Compass Process. I went in to the process looking for some clarity on where I wanted to take my career. I knew I wanted to do something different, but didn't know WHAT. I really enjoyed that Danielle had a really specific approach to the exercises, and a concrete process to get to a conclusion. I love where I ended up, and I'm SO excited to move forward and chase my (much clearer) now career path!

—Erin Y
Senior Manager

➜ $39 / month – cancel anytime