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Inner Compass Coach is Evolving!

career direction tips Jan 17, 2023

Hello Everyone,


I hope you had a meaningful MLK weekend. 


As I've shared in previous newsletters, I've been taking December and parts of January to reflect and gain clarity. Inner Compass Coach was started in July 2014, and as I'm nearing 9 years of business, I've been reflecting on my purpose (how I want to manifest my motivating gifts in my career) and where I want to take my business.


Like most human beings, I crave change and growth in my life. It's common for people to desire some type of change every seven years - similar to life stages such as childhood (0-7 years of age), adolescence (7-14) and teen/young adulthood (14-21). Developmentally, we transition in patterns, and so it makes sense that we want our careers to transition as well. 


The desire for change doesn’t have to come out of something going wrong; Even though nothing has been wrong, it doesn’t mean I am not craving change.


From 2014 to 2021, I felt called to hone my therapeutic coaching skills and to create The Inner Compass Process. In 2021, I felt called to create content and move into facilitating and teaching; that's why I wrote a book, built an online course, and hired Hunter Dickson, CCSP, to support individual coaching clients.


This season, I'm feeling my purpose is to help others process their work and life issues for better clarity and direction by facilitating programs, and teaching tools to support better work-life balance. 


Moving into 2023, I wanted to share how Inner Compass Coach is evolving as I continue to get clarity on how I want my gifts to evolve and the impact I want to create through my work. 


Career Direction Coaching- As Inner Compass coach continues to grow, Hunter Dickson, CCSP, and I continue to support mid-career, executive-level, and business owners in making fulfilling career and business changes using our unique approach of exploring childhood memories.


Corporate Services- Through keynotes, workshops, and trainings, we've been helping companies with professional development, workforce development, and internal career development using The Inner Compass Process. We have found that by creating career pathways for employees to grow and go, employees are reporting increased work satisfaction and companies are experiencing increased employee retention. 


The 9toThrive Program- We’re excited to launch the newest program with Inner Compass Coach: the 9toThrive Program for leaders and business owners who want to learn tools to identify who they are, what they need, and how to make aligned decisions from their self-awareness. We have learned that while making a meaningful career change can be really helpful, there are ways to increase satisfaction and work-life balance through teaching tools to support our clients in finding more clarity and focus. 


As we move into these changes, you might see a variety of content in these newsletters, and I hope it continues to bring meaning and value for you as you continue your journey with us.


I want to leave you with this last thought: we will never stop evolving. As I continue to follow my inner compass, I encourage you to do the same in order to feel at home with yourself and align your decisions moving forward. 


And, of course, if there’s any way we can be of service such as supporting you with a career change, bringing the Inner Compass Process to your company to focus on internal career development, or if you are interested in learning more about the Worklife Program, we’d love to have a conversation with you.


No hard-selling, just a promise to, if we think we can be of service, bring some clarity during our conversation and share how we think we can support you. Click here to schedule a time to speak with us.


Cheers to 2023!




Danielle Roessle, LCSW, GCDFI, CCSP
Certified Career and Business Alignment Coach, Inner Compass Coach
| 720.443.1093
[email protected]


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