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Day 1 of The Inner Compass Process

career direction tips May 18, 2021
For the next 21 days, I'm going to be posting my Inner Compass journey on my blog. Want to go through the Inner Compass Process with me to find more personal and professional fulfillment? Please read these short blog posts and journal your responses.
Yesterday was a big day for me. It was the 24th anniversary of my Bat Mitzvah and my business maturity date for Inner Compass Coach.
It's been one heck of a year with some profound moments of deep pain such as losing my grandmother to COVID, multiple rounds of quarantine because of COVID scares, and not being around friends or family for large chunks of time due to the pandemic.
It's been a reflective year and I've taken myself through the same process I've taken hundreds of clients to make meaningful personal and professional changes. I've got to celebrate as well!
Here are my proud moments:
🌹 Got married
🌹 Bought a house
🌹 Published a book
🌹 Launched an online course
🌹 Hired a career coach to help scale my business
🌹 Assisted 15 seniors with applying to college
And now it's time to pause, celebrate, and share my gratitude. Many of you have been such a support throughout this amazing and rough year. I'm grateful to the bottom of my heart! 🙏🏻
What can you celebrate in terms of your successes? Who has helped you along the way that you would like to express your gratitude?
To learn more about celebrating your successes as a part of your career change, CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK The Inner Compass Process: Using Childhood Memories to Guide Your Career Change

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